At Federated ALL means ALL.
We are an open and affirming congregation. We have an altar for all and welcome all of God's children to our family of faith.
As part of the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) we are members of each denominational LGBTQ affirming organization. Both these organizations work to celebrate and create more space in the church for LGBTQ persons.

As a community of faith we are characterized strongly by our values.
We claim a diversity of beliefs. We continue to discover, develop, and nurture our beliefs
using scripture, tradition, individual and collective experience, as well as reason. We believe…
God is love.
Jesus Christ translates God’s love through teaching, compassion, sacrifice,
and life example.
Holy Spirit brings God’s transformational presence to us and to the world.
Scripture embodies a human understanding of God’s grace and ongoing relationship with us and all of creation.