Upcoming Events
Join us for a series of events at our church, where faith, community, and joy come together to inspire and connect!

Food Distribution
Wholefoods reached out to Flagstaff Federated in October. They were looking for a Sunday distributor of overflow food. We jumped at the opportunity. It is a work in progress and each Sunday, we get a better idea of how to best use this resource. Thus far we have used this food to feed the elderly in low-income housing and the many homeless who are using Flagstaff Shelter Services. We are collecting used grocery bags to recycle in this program. If you have them, we can use them!
If you are interested in more information about this project or any of the others mentioned, please contact Bandra at family@flagstafffederatedchurch.org.

Flagstaff Family Food Center Volunteering
Every second Tuesday of the month a group of volunteers from Federated meet at the Flagstaff Family Food Center: Food Bank and Kitchen to help serve the daily hot meal.
We enjoy being able to help lift up the ministry of the Food Center that offers a hot meal every day and has never missed a day in over 10 years!
To join this group contact Jean White or Linda Brown.